On 5/1/2011 9:46 AM, Matt Connolly wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm putting together a script to create zfs snapshots after a backup has been 
> completed (via Apple TimeMachine or rsync for example). When I'm logged into 
> the machine, I can only access the "zfs snapshot" command as root via "sudo" 
> or "pfexec". Neither of these are available directly from a ssh command. For 
> example:
> client$ ssh user@server
> server$ sudo zfs snapshot blah@blah -> works
> ..or..
> server$ pfexec zfs snapshot blah@blah -> works
> ..but..
> client$ ssh user@host zfs snapshot blah -> fails = permission denied
> client$ ssh user@host pfexec zfs snapshot blah -> fails = permission denied
> client$ ssh user@host sudo zfs snapshot blah -> fails = sudo: no tty present 
> and no askpass program specified
> What would be the best practice for creating a zfs snapshot based on an 
> external trigger (eg: message from client after a successful backup).

Allow the backup user to have the zfssnap role with RBAC. With that set
you can run something like this:

DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M)
ssh user@10.0.0.x "pfexec /usr/sbin/zfs snapshot BACKUPS/foohost@$DATE"

Proof that it works (though I didn't run an actual backup, so there's no
new data):

~ # ssh user@10.0.0.x "/usr/sbin/zfs list -H -r -t snapshot
BACKUPS/foohost" |tail -n 1
BACKUPS/foohost@2011-05-01-11:38 0       -     13.3G -


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