On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 02:44 -0600, LinuxBSDos.com wrote:
> At least 99.99% of all the distros ship with sudo installed, and yes, a
> few make it easy, when creating a user account, to add it to the
> administrative group (the wheel group). That, in my opinion, is how it
> should be done. That is how we all used to do it.
> This might seem to be off topic, but I think the point of this discussion
> is we do not have to do something simply because a popular distro does it
> that way.


Especially when that distro is loosing respect from those who actually
have a clue or two due to continued track record of bugs that result in
very unreliable platform choice for the server room.

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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