On Wed, 2011-05-25 at 00:22 +0600, Dmitry G. Kozhinov wrote:
> > I think Debian is a very nice Linux distro.
> Many OpenSolaris/OI users share this feeling - this is because 
> OpenSolaris has (kind of) inherited it's look and feel from Debian - 
> thanks to Ian Murdock.
> My personal favorite in Debian is System -> Administration -> Services. 
> Nice and simple.

My Debian usage far predates that - I think I still have 1.0 CD's around
here somewhere....

That said, there's reasons I got away from Linux.  If our objective is
to simply emulate Linux, and I know/hope that it is not, then I have
many mature Linux distros to choose from w/o having to endure the
growing pains of OI.  OI's attraction is that it has the potential to be
far, far more than just another Linux.  Incorporating features from
various Linux distros based on sound technical merit is just dandy.
Emulating e.g. Ubuntu primarily for the sake of lowering the bar to
entry, however, would not lead to a success, merely just another also
ran "Linux" distro.  Part of my reaction to this is that I've sat in on
meetings where decision makers did precisely this, to the point of going
against sound technical analysis, so mayhaps I'm a bit sensitive when I
read comments which may be even remotely construed as such.

Peace-- ken

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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