On Wed, 2011-06-08 at 18:08 +0200, Bruno Damour wrote:
> Of course it's me, but i think it suggests it's on par with sol 11 express 
> which is snv_151a.
> As oi_147/8 was based on snv_147/8
> But as we of course have to get used to oi being a real fork of solaris, why 
> not change the numbering scheme ?
> Bruno
> PS : Please, do not think I'm complaining, I'm not

Iirc, OI version numbering will change with first stable release, wh/I
think will be something like 1.0.x, or 1.0_RELEASE, or maybe that was
RELEASE-1.0. Not 100% sure about the names. This was touched upon during
#oi-meeting yesterday, the specifics of which were left for further
discussion. In any case, similar to FreeBSD with RELEASE, TESTING/DEV,
and EXPERIMENTAL branches. 

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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