
The hardware RTC is only read at boot and sets the initial date/time.
The OS will adjust it's internal time from this initial reference and 
it's timezone, hence different times between cmos rtc and server e.g 
daylight time.

Then the hardware time ticks are counted by the OS to maintain internal 
time. This is the sole time source until the next boot.

The issue is drift of the internal time ticks against the ntp external 
reference. When this drift exceeds ntp's "capture" range, you get the 
error message. I have seen this with virtual (VMWare) Windows and Linux 
as well.

VMware also throws in a few "extra's" at vm bootup, just to make life 
more interesting, but one running, it's up to the OS's method to 
maintain time.

*** I had posted about a similar issue sometime ago and never got a useful
answer.  It seems to be harmless, so I dropped it.  What puzzles me is that
I have had 3 other vmware esxi clients (ubuntu, centos and freebsd) all
running almost identical ntpd clients and don't get this message with them.
The one hour thing, I have seen when dual booting between two different OS
(don't remember offhand which - windows vs linux?)

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