On Sun, 2011-07-31 at 15:31 -0700, Gary Driggs wrote:
> On Jul 31, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
> > The problem in this instance is that Sun DID open source many cool things 
> > and post Sun take over Oracle has been systematically "undoing" Sun's open 
> > source gifting via a variety of "innovative" tactics at pretty much every 
> > chance they can,
> If I understand things correctly, part of the problem at Sun involved their 
> bizarre sales bonus policy that was based on volume instead of profit.

Not germane to the discussion at hand...

> > often in tandem with exorbitant increases in licensing fees.  And for that 
> > they have earned much well deserved criticism. 
> Have you ever paid support for AIX or HP/UX and the hardware it runs on? 
> Solaris prices may seem exorbitant by x86 standards but they're still quite 
> competitive with other enterprise big- or bi-endian architectures.

I wouldn't say they're even in the ballpark of being comparable.  Unless
perhaps you're talking IBM mainframe, the details of which I'm
unfamiliar but hear is pretty spendy. A couple enterprises I'm familiar
with saw dramatic price increases across the board.  Coupled with the
release of PostgreSQL 9, they are presently in process of ridding
themselves of _everything_ Oracle.

> > Additionally, it would be a far stretch to construe criticism of Oracle 
> > corporate policies enacted by upper management to extend to rank and file 
> > employees who
> That said, one might suggest that the golden parachuted former Sun 
> Microsystems upper management is responsible for steering the company in to 
> the weeds in the first place. And I didn't see Apple or Google making a bid 
> for Sun (despite several aborted Apple/Sun mergers). So without someone to 
> take them out of their nose dive, Sun assets would have ended up as just 
> another large patent portfolio for sale a la Nortel.

Again, not germane to the discussion at hand.

Some companies are good and have a sense of ethics.  Other companies are
just outright bad, evil, greedy, & unethical sob's.  Sadly, imo, Oracle
falls into this latter category.  That Sun management was ineffective
does in no way excuse this.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

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