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On 2 Aug 2011, at 12:09, Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:

> In a nutshell, Oracle wants free patches for its Linux, but
> she does not want to share technology with others. Nice 
> "licensing model"...

Yes, it is a nice licensing model, because Oracle is a business, not a charity, 
and it's first duty is to it's shareholders. Red Hat, IBM, Microsoft, they all 
do similar dirty deeds behind the scenes - they're in this for profit. And this 
isn't an exclusive IT thing - all large companies behave in similar ways, and 
they do it for one reason - to make money.

What next? People complaining that the sea is wet and the sun is hot?

There are lots of great people who work at Oracle, even before they absorbed 
Sun, and constantly bad-mouthing the company does them a great dis-service. 

And, really, do you think you're going to change the way they do business? If 
user dissatisfaction and public whining changed corporate policy, IBM would 
have stopped screwing over their mainframe customers 20 years ago, and the 
banks wouldn't continue to play fast and loose with other people's money.

Is Mad Larry going to wake up with the cold sweats at 2am, thinking "My God! 
Apostolos complained on oi-discuss about Java 7! Where have I gone wrong with 
my life? Give that man some source code and a big hug!" 

I mean, really?


- --
Tom Kranz
Email: t...@gaeltd.com  Skype: siliconbunny
Mobile: 07779 149281    Phone/fax: 01344 773240
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