On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 02:17:05PM -0400, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
> Richard Jones wrote:

>> I'm a near complete newbie at Open{Indiana,Solaris} but have you looked
>> at /var/svc/log too? That seems to be where service information is kept.

> Oh, good points, Richard, thanks! I see a couple of messages from a
> couple of days ago about service stopping because disabled or
> whatever. I'll keep an eye out, and next time it happens, I will
> look at things before bouncing the service...

Glad to help! svcs -x is also your friend.

Just one question for you and the rest of the list. I've been a sysadmin
for about 10 years, mostly linux, and a bit of Solaris 7 and 8 when it
was current. Has anyone come across "Rosetta Stone" docs? For instance,
I'm learning, or know nothing about NFSv4 ACLs, containers, ZFS (though
learning fast), SMF, pkg package management and all the rest I've no
even heard of. Man pages and online docs presume limited unix knowledge
and are accordingly frustrating.

(And I have to say, I hated looking after those Solaris boxes, but it
really seems to have come along!)


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