Do you have any Coredumps left?
Possibly in /var/crash or /var/core ?

If not you should invest five minutes of your spare time to get it up an

First take a look about the current status of coreadm  and dumpadm

# coreadm

you will recive an output like this.

     global core file pattern:
     global core file content: default
       init core file pattern: /var/core/core.%n.%f.%u.%p
       init core file content: default
            global core dumps: disabled
       per-process core dumps: enabled
      global setid core dumps: disabled
 per-process setid core dumps: disabled
     global core dump logging: disabled

Now enable logging, for coreadm
coreadm -e log
and global core Dumps
 coreadm -e global

Now take a look at coreadm again


Also think about a dedicated Dump Device for Crashdumps.

dumpadm -s /var/crash/whateverdeviceyouhaveleft ;)
The Crashdump Device should match your RAM
If you use 8GB RAM, the Dump Device should be equal.

If the issue with the SMB won't go away and you receive
Dumpfiles,consider to forward the Dumps to the Illumos Guys, or the
maintainers. if possible.

Am 23.09.11 14:21, schrieb Dan Swartzendruber:
> Sorry for the vague subject line.  I notice that every few days, my windows
> 7 pro box can't connect to an SMB share.  After trying everything, I finally
> restarted the smb server service and it was suddenly there again.  This has
> happened several times in the past few weeks.  Any hints as to where to
> look?  Thanks...
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 Bernd Helber

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