Hi there,

I have a server with a 3-way mirror pool which I can hot-swap the 3rd
HDD as an off-site backup.

I have to issue additional commands before and after physically
swapping the HDDs, which I can't recall exactly right now but Google
points to the following:



On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Matthieu Paindavoine <ctord...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks Jim for your answer. It certainly answered the question about the 
> crash.
> I did not follow your solution though, as I just choose to simply reinstall 
> OpenIndiana, it's so fast, and I didn't have anything on the machine yet.
> I can see my drives with cfgadm -a sata.
> I can not yet see a newly inserted plugged HD, but this might be a hardware 
> issue, I'll have to run some test with other drives, other bays...
> Thanks again,
> Matthieu
> ________________________________
>  De : Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru>
> À : Discussion list for OpenIndiana <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org>
> Envoyé le : Mardi 22 mai 2012 21h36
> Objet : Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] sata hot plug problem (ahci?) + openindiana 
> crash
> 2012-05-22 23:29, Jim Klimov wrote:
>> There are workarounds, likely posted in archives of zfs-discuss
>> list and many other sources. If I google anything good up, I'll
>> post a link here :)
> What do you know? I posted some myself, and found those first ;)
> * One more possible solution (component) would be this:
> 1) Set your root disk to AHCI or whatever you need
> 2) Boot from livecd
> 3) Import your rpool and mount the root filesystem into /a for example
> 4) Update device links:
> # devfsadm -r /a -Cv
> 5) Update the miniroot
> # bootadm update-archive -R /a
> 6) Export the rpool
> 7) Reboot and hope this helps ;)
> //Jim
> * Alternately, see a different procedure here:
>   http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.os.solaris.opensolaris.zfs/46864
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