Now we are talking!
I have been deploying Sun Rays for over 14 years.
It is a perfect solution and it needs rock solide virtualisation to handle the large numbers of VMs.
ZFS and Comstar features would be great to use.
I am hoping that the next version of Oracle VDI/Sun Ray software supports Solaris 11 and Comstar. With OpenIndiana as a drop in replacement for Solaris 11 it should also be possible to run this version on Openindiana.
So I need Openindiana to be around at that time guys!

Kind regards,


Sašo Kiselkov schreef:

I think you hit one area where, as garrett described, Illumos and OI
could excel: desktop virtualization. It's all the rage these days due to
reduced management issues and added security. Sun had a solution for
just this market ages ago with the Sun Ray range of products. OI should
take a good long look at these areas, because we could use the core
Illumos technologies to really kick commercial VDI infrastructures in
the teeth with at least the following:

 *) Much, much, much lower overhead when compared to VDI. A VDI machine
    needs loads of DRAM, loads of disk IO capacity and consequently is a
    very expensive proposition. OI can run VDI instances either
    natively or isolated in zones and provide excellent performance
    (potentially orders of magnitude better than VMware or other kinds
    of traditional heavy-weight VMs).

 *) ZFS for file management, built-in backups, rollbacks, and just a
    sweet bundle of win for the VDI market.

 *) A very secure and well managed software environment with local
    IPS repos, DTrace for solving performance issues and just generally
    much better control over the environment than that provided by
    closed black-box products).

Anyway, just my $0.02


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