On 9/2/12 7:23 AM, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:
On 2/09/12 02:48 AM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
On Sat, 1 Sep 2012, Robin Axelsson wrote:

I'm fully aware of the power of the command line and it is the command line that really makes me like Unix based OSes (including Linux). But making OI look well-polished with a fancy and easy to administer web-admin GUI that would encourage the average-Joe to use it as a home-NAS / virtual server is not a bad thing. That way OI would reach a higher penetration with a larger user-base and most importantly; it will get _free advertising_. To some extent the old adage "A good product markets itself" has some truth in it. But it must not only be good, it has to /look/ good so that even a less versed person will understand how good it is.

Focusing on issues like this would be putting the cart before the horse. It is more important to be able to easily build everything and incorporate updates than to have a fancy configuration GUI. OI popularity should come second to correct functionality and having an organization (of volunteers and corporate entities) to sustain it. If OI is worthy, popularity will follow, even if only from people who already preferred Solaris.

+1. Precisely.

I totally agree. However, I selfishly want an X-windows server and window manager on my server. I personally would prefer a simple window manager over a the heavyweight Gnome/KDE camps but there are reasons to go with these.

I develop GUI based applications and have just about one of every Linux/Unix/Mac/Windows OS and version running to do build and test sitting in the home office on the opposite coast. Our clients still have a large investment with Solaris 9/10 so it is important that this builds and runs on a Solaris variant. Some of the apps can launch external programs, so it determines whether it should use gnome-open, etc. to choose the appropriate application.

I telecommute, so when I make code changes I like to first build and test it on a cross section of platforms locally so I don't ship it out to the build farm broken and make everyone unhappy.

I run router/firewall/file-share/backup/web/imap,web,smtp mail services on an old V20z. I have over 10 TB of mirrored zfs storage on which stores mail for each user With all of this, I seldomly tax it's resources. I do, however use this to build and test to make sure that it properly compiles and runs my applications. This has saved me countless of re-spins do to compiler or library issues. Without X-windows and some WM, I would no longer be able to use this machine that way and would have to take the hit for breaking Solaris builds.

I recently picked up an Enterprise 450 when I heard of the OI Sparc efforts. However, it came with the internal NIC and the DVD drive broken. It also has that funky PXE graphics card. I got around the NIC by putting a fiberchannel card in and a SX to TX converter, and picked up a replacement DVD drive. I was hoping to not only use it for testing, but to use it to help the SPARC OI efforts but it still requires X-windows and WM to be useful for me.

I can't believe that I'm the only one that uses OI to do GUI product development.


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