WindowMaker sounds good. Used it for a while a few years ago. Been thinking 
about looking at it again. :) 

Sent from my Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus

Christopher Chan <> wrote:

>On Thursday, November 01, 2012 03:01 AM, Ben Taylor wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:25 AM, openbabel<>  wrote:
>>> I am of a commercial view. I am interested in the most popular desktop and
>>> most developed environment which is accepted by the current or potential
>>> user base.It would not be the correct choice
>>> going with a project which either peters out or is not accepted by
>>> commercial users as this would waste development time and resource too?
>>> As an Enterprise system the commercial view should prevail?
>> My suggestion, as someone who spent an inordinate amount of time porting KDE 
>> 4.x
>> to Solaris 10, go with something simple and easy.
>> Once there's a working DE, folks can then choose to work/port other
>> more complex DE's.
>What has the least dependencies? XFCE? KDE 3.5? Or forget DE and just 
>get a window manager like WindowMaker?
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