
On so, 2012-11-03 at 09:07 -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> On 11/ 3/12 08:55 AM, Milan Jurik wrote:
> > at fifth - Oracle team did some work on Gnome 3 on top of Solaris, they
> > have to publish it if they will distribute it. I am not saying I will
> > help with Gnome 3 on top of OI but somebody else could do that.
> A bunch of that was already published in the trunk branch of spec-files.
> (The JDS model was always that development/testing happened in trunk, and
>  then every 6 months or so, usually following the GNOME upstream stable
>  release, they'd pull stuff from trunk into a stable branch for integration
>  to the WOS - since GNOME 3 wasn't ready to go into the WOS for Solaris 11 or
>  11.1, trunk has been diverging more than normal from the stable branches.)

I know but JDS stopped to update public SVN repo during spring and they
did not resolve the situation yet.

Best regards,


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