> From: David Scharbach [mailto:david.scharb...@mac.com]
> I have an OI installation that seems to crash about every 20 days.  Locks up
> completely and needs a hard reset.  Not very much fun.

Whenever I've seen this type of behavior before, it was hardware/driver 
related, but we never were able to narrow it down to *which* piece of hardware 
or driver, by any method other than blindly swapping out hardware.

I'm not talking, necessarily, about failing hardware.  Just some sort of 
incompatibility bug.  On one system, we greatly reduced the incidence of 
crashes by disabling the on-board broadcom NIC, and buying the intel server 
PCIE NIC instead.

Likely candidates are the storage controller, and network adapter.  And 
everything else in the system.

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