Sorry to go over what must have been already covered many times but I
dropped out of OI participation for a good long while.

Hopefully someone will feel kindly disposed and post a brief outline
of how to go from zero to running a vb vm of current OI on a win7
64bit host.

I know the repos have changed since I last ran OI so, beginning with
the most recent build numbers and where to get them in *.iso format.
And a short summary of any things that have changed substantially that
would effect a successful vm guest intall on a win7 64bit host.

I remember how to point the installer to the iso file inside vb and
how to create or add virtual discs.

I last participated in OI use about 5/6 mnths after OI came out of

Once I have a running install, is the syntax for the packages still
something like REPONAME/dev?

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