> From: Harry Putnam [mailto:rea...@newsguy.com]
> Sorry to go over what must have been already covered many times but I
> dropped out of OI participation for a good long while.
> Hopefully someone will feel kindly disposed and post a brief outline
> of how to go from zero to running a vb vm of current OI on a win7
> 64bit host.

Download and install virtualbox.
Download the openindiana desktop iso.
In virtualbox, click Add, new machine, select solaris (I think) or perhaps 
solaris 64bit.  Boot from the iso.

Simple as that.

You'll have some self explanatory prompts, such as creating a virtual guest 
hard drive, and clicking on "Install" and choosing the language.

The only part that isn't obvious or self-expanatory:  
After the guest is installed, it's advisable to click "Install Guest Additions" 
in the host window.  This will virtually insert the guest additions CD rom into 
guest, which should automatically launch.

> Once I have a running install, is the syntax for the packages still
> something like REPONAME/dev?

sudo pkg search subversion
sudo pkg install subversion
(or whatever)

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