Running from an install of build 151a7 as guest in virtualbox on win7
64 bit

I edited files in /etc/ in an attempt to allow ssh to root.

In my fool head I assumed if it broke boot there would be some easy
way to mount '/' and edit things as needed from an install CD as one
can in most any linux.

Maybe there is ... but googling is showing some really complicated
looking stuff.

Is there a current guide somewhere of how to mount the installed OS
files from live cd?

Looking to allow ssh to root I followed the steps on this URL:

I think the culprit is probably having commented out the line in
/etc/user_attr that starts with 'root' and ends with ';type=root'
there was quite a bit of stuff in between but I don't remember what
it was.

Also commented out a line in /etc/default/login: 
   # CONSOLE=/dev/console

Anyway, what do I have to do to get to those files in /etc now that
the OS will not boot?

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