This is somewhat embarassing.

I know this is possible, because I have an oi 151a6 machine running with 
/var and /usr as saparate filesystems on the zfs rpool. However I did it I 
can't remember and can't find whatever instructions I used, because I'm 
trying again on another install and failing.

I started moving just /var. No matter what, it doesn't mount the zfs 
filesystems before running filesystem/minimal , so /var isn't mounted and it 
fails.   I did the move by booting from install media, importing the rpool, 
creating /,   mv /var /var.old , and then change the zfs mountpoint 
of /  No dice, on reboot it doesn't mount.

Now, from single user if I "zfs mount -a", clear the error on 
filesystem/minimal -- then eveything proceedes nicely.

Chris Candreva  -- -- (914) 948-3162
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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