On 01/25/15 10:55 PM, Andrew Gabriel wrote:
Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
The archive provides a good interface for older discussions. I'm also of the opinion that part of the price of getting help from others is providing it when the opportunity presents itself.
Or set up to auto-folder or auto-delete the emails during periods you aren't following the list.

The archives are not a good interface for older discussions - I use my email client on a dedicated folder to search the archives.

Although I personally hate forums, I am also aware that use of email by those currently of university age has plummeted, with many not using it at all. If someone with an interest in forums came forward with a proposal that would bi-directionally mirror the mailing list discussion in a forum, that would open the discussions up to some younger people who won't follow a project via a mailing list.

There is an IRC channel, #openindiana on chat.freenode.net
I also very much hate forums, because they do not solve any problem, but make problems worse.

One of the problems is actually administering forums and frame of mind of forums users, that is different with forum users and mailing list users, where forum users perceive and imply less freedom and less self-control when using them. On mailing lists, there are no "deleting" messages like on the forums and no oversight over direct communication between list members. Forums have more fluctuation of new users and also administering against Spam that could come to the list, not through mail servers, but through direct Http(s) postings.

Having mailing list spread to web interface too (that also includes subscribing) could be Ok solution. I understand that younger people not accustomed to using nomal Mail client application, would prefer to have Web interface to mailing list. Only I suggest that it is _imperative_ to have same users, same accounts, same passwords and same mail addresses subscribed to the mailing list, aether if it is in ordinary mailing list form in mail client, or if it is displayed in the form of Web interface, it needs to stay same content. Separating "forum" and "mailing lists" woud be grave mistake. (Like it was on Opensolaris days)

What is the existing software on server side, for displaying mailing list to Web interface and allow subscribers to reply to the list via web interface, that could be used?

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