On 02/10/2016 06:14 AM, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
Hi. I have several notices.

"Some notable features of OpenSolaris were the introduction of the all
familiar GNOME desktop, GNU userland tools, and a new network based
package manager (IPS)"
It seems comma before "and" is not necessary, but I'm not a native speaker.

Oh no....after the Linux debacle in earlier drafts of the FAQ, I'm not sure I am quite ready yet for an Oxford comma flame war;-)

In Feature/Description table some descriptions could be a bit expanded.
For non-Solaris user descriptions "Service Management Facility" and
"Fault Management Architecture" say nothing. At least there should be
links to documentation, wiki or wikipedia.

Good idea....I'll expand on those.

I'd avoid speaking about 32-bit support. It seems we are going to nuke
it in future, and in immediate future more and more 64-bit-only
applications will appear. One old good example is qemu-kvm.

OK perhaps we can exchange bitness for GHZ, or just whack the collumn from the table completely.

Adam, can we host
http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/opensolaris_2008/index.html on OI
infrastructure? Referencing to linuxtopia site seems strange.

Well....we do have the docs from the 2009.06 drop, which we could host ourselves. They're not quite as outdated as the 2008 docs. I for one think they would be a helpful resource even as they are, but I am unsure how many other folks on the list would agree with the idea.

Another option is to simply whack that line from the list.

"Utilities maintenance - pkg[5]". Link seems to be broken. I think this
item needs brief clarification.

I need to try inserting an escape character to fix that...the wiki creole interpreter somehow thinks it's a link.

"As illumos is not itself a distribution, OpenIndiana combines
illumos-gate with OpenIndiana derived oi-userland"
I think something is wrong with this sentence.

I was thinking the same thing, but never got around to fixing it. I'll think a bit how to reword that so it makes more sense.

"At this time, the following distributions are known to support the
SPARC platform:.."
I think it would be good to reorganize the list in alphabetic order.

OK....that's easy enough to do. I'll look into putting Oracle Solaris by itself as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this whole thing once more.


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