I have to ask, is there any particular reason that you're running the KVM
in a zone, as opposed to the global zone?

I have several KVM instances, but always run them in the global zone
because I'm lazy/ for convenience.

are you running network/physical or nwam? in the global, or in the zone?
have you passed through both vnics to the zone, did you plumb any/both of
them (in either the global or the zone)?

when you run "dladm show-vnic"  how does it show your vnics?
when you run "dladm show-link" does it show the original interface and the
vnic as "up"


On 22 February 2016 at 11:14, Calin Somoza <ca...@calin.de> wrote:

> Hi
> i have just tried the same in the global Zone but still have no luck using
> a vnic in the kvm Guest.
> Calin
> Am 21.02.2016 um 15:41 schrieb Jonathan Adams:
>> Quick question, if I may, in the zone do you have vnic1 plumbed? If you do
>> then there will be issues with the same MAC address used in the zone _and_
>> the KVM instance which wants to believe it is it's own machine.
>> You will always be better off passing in a second virtual nic just for the
>> KVM it you decide to run KVM in a zone.
>> Jon
>> On 21 Feb 2016 00:13, "Jacques Hugo" <jacques.h...@threetwo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>> This post is around running a KVM inside a Zone and trying to get the
>>> networking working.  I hope some of you have a working config and any
>>> help
>>> is appreciated.  Although networking in the Zone is working fine, I
>>> cannot
>>> seem to connect in the KVM running inside it.  I'm def missing a
>>> networking/routing issue here.
>>> I am sure this is the standard setup (output shortened for brevities
>>> sake):
>>> 1.       Global Zone's network interfaced.  We're using vnic1 for the
>>> Zone
>>> # dladm show-vnic
>>>  VID
>>> net0         igb0         1000   2:8:20:4:5e:e1    random              0
>>> net1         igb0         1000   2:8:20:d:5b:d2    random              0
>>> vnic1        igb0         1000   2:8:20:d8:ad:72   random              0
>>> ## using this VNIC
>>> 2.       Zone setup.  The Zone has exclusive rights to the physical
>>> interface (vnic 1)
>>> # zonecfg -z src info
>>> zonename: src
>>> zonepath: /naspool/zones/src
>>> brand: ipkg
>>> autoboot: true
>>> bootargs:
>>> pool:
>>> limitpriv:
>>> scheduling-class:
>>> ip-type: exclusive
>>> hostid:
>>> fs-allowed:
>>> net:
>>>                  address not specified
>>>                  allowed-address not specified
>>>                  physical: vnic1
>>>                  defrouter not specified
>>> device:
>>>                  match: /dev/kvm
>>> device:
>>>                  match: /dev/zvol/rdsk/naspool/zones/src/kvm
>>> dataset:
>>>                  name: naspool/zones/src/kvm
>>> 3.       The startscript for the KVM:
>>> #!/bin/ksh
>>> MAC=$(dladm show-vnic -po macaddress vnic1)
>>> /usr/bin/qemu-kvm \
>>>          -boot cd \
>>>          -cpu host \
>>>          -enable-kvm \
>>>          -vnc \
>>>          -smp 4  \
>>>          -m 8192 \
>>>          -no-hpet \
>>>          -localtime \
>>>          -drive
>>> file=/dev/zvol/rdsk/naspool/zones/src/kvm/disk0,if=ide,index=0 \
>>>          -drive
>>> file=/naspool/zones/src/kvm/iso/sol-11_3-text-x86.iso,media=cdrom,if=ide,ind
>>> ex=2  \
>>>          -net nic,vlan=0,name=net0,model=e1000,macaddr=$MAC \
>>>          -net vnic,vlan=0,name=net0,ifname=vnic1,macaddr=$MAC \
>>>          -vga std
>>> The KVM (Solaris 11) start fine and the installation goes through
>>> without a
>>> hitch (quite fast to be honest, very good performance).  However I cannot
>>> connect to it from the outside.  The KVM host I have configured with an
>>> IP
>>> but cannot ping it, or from the KVM itself cannot see the default gw.
>>> However traffic to/from the Zone is working fine.  Running a KVM in the
>>> Global Zone works a treat, however inside a Zone I am definitely missing
>>> a
>>> step in getting the routing from the KVM to the Zone sorted.
>>> Any help appreciated.  Thanks for your time.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jacques
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