In message <>
, Jonathan Adams writes:
>I have to ask, is there any particular reason that you're running the KVM
>in a zone, as opposed to the global zone?

Because its satisfying to think that should the KVM guest break
out of its KVM sandbox, that it finds itself stuck in a zone

And because all services are provisioned as NGZs.

>are you running network/physical or nwam? in the global, or in the zone?
>have you passed through both vnics to the zone, did you plumb any/both of
>them (in either the global or the zone)?
>when you run "dladm show-vnic"  how does it show your vnics?
>when you run "dladm show-link" does it show the original interface and the
>vnic as "up"

Need those output from both the GZ and the NGZ.
And what is the zonecfg export?


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