Hi, Bob

Thank you so much for your information.  Yes, I could install Dovecot
successfully!!  I added with "--with-ioloop=poll.

BTW, I have another question about Postfix.  Actually, the latest version
of Postfix has been bundled on new OpenIndiana.
But the TLS has not been compiled.  In this case, the best way should be
installed source from scratch?
Or is there any idea?!


2016-08-14 9:14 GMT+09:00 Bob Friesenhahn <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us>:

> On Sat, 13 Aug 2016, Sakuma, Koshiro wrote:
> Hi,
>> I've just finished and done configuration of dovecot 2.2.18.
>> However, I got error when I started it up as follows.
>> anvil: Fatal: epoll_create(): No such file or directory
>> master: Error: service(anvil): command startup failed, throttling for 2
>> secs
>> When I installed on Solaris 11, it worked without any issues.  But I am
>> trying to move all systems to OpenIndiana now.
>> Could you please let me know about some hints.
> The key here is to add the --with-ioloop=poll configuration option.  I
> used these options to configure (over and above whatever omnios-build adds
> by default):
>     --sysconfdir=/etc
>     --localstatedir=/var
>     --mandir=$PREFIX/man
>     --enable-static=no
>     --with-ioloop=poll
>     --with-gssapi=plugin
>     --without-ldap
>     --with-sql=plugin
>     --with-sqlite
>     --with-zlib
>     --with-bzlib
>     --without-libwrap
>     --with-ssl=openssl
> The alternative to not using --with-ioloop=poll is to change the dovecot
> configuation not to use chroot since it is chroot which is breaking
> epoll_create().  I decided that chroot is good.
> Bob
> --
> Bob Friesenhahn
> bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
> GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
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