On 10/23/18 15:58, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
> On 23/10/2018 15:44, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
>> On 10/23/18 15:02, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>>> On 18/10/2018 16:59, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
>>>> On 10/18/18 05:55 AM, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>>>>> This is strange, why in the world should the settings-daemon
>>>>> read the fontpathes in an infinite loop ? Looks like its constantly
>>>>> thinking the mate font configuration has changed.
>>>> I don't know about infinite loop, but you'll see libfontconfig
>>>> iterating
>>>> through all the fonts in all the directories when it thinks its font
>>>> caches are out of date.   On Solarish systems, we have an SMF service
>>>> svc:/application/font/fc-cache to ensure the caches are up-to-date at
>>>> system boot and when IPS packages with fonts are installed, so it would
>>>> be good to check that's running and not reporting any errors in the SMF
>>>> logs for it.
>>> For what I see from the 2483 time-sliderd truss output, it does the
>>> following for each /etc/X11/fontpath.d/*/ directory:
>>> ....
>>> Could it be that the change of the modification time (2) from 2483
>>> triggers the reread by 2484 (mate-settings-daemon) ?
>>> ...
>> ...
>> So, font cache fails to "recognize" fonts, and just keeps system busy
>> with creating cache, over and over.
>> ...
>> How to solve that situation?
> Just to check that theory: Could you run the problematic BE and
> switch off the time-sliderd ? After settling down, the caches
> shouldn't be refreshed anymore if that assumption is correct.
> Otherwise, maybe the frequency of directory checking is just too
> high, given the vast amount of directories to check, which takes
> a considerable amount of time ?

Hi again!

First, I want to say big "thank you" to Dr. Udo Grabowski and Michal Nowak!

Problem was related to directory permission and fonts cache:

$ ls -hlad /beadm/var/cache/fontconfig/ /var/cache/fontconfig/
drwxr-xr-x 2 predrag_zecevic admin 119K Oct 23 13:36
drwxr-xr-x 2 predrag_zecevic admin  410 Oct 23 13:39 /var/cache/fontconfig/

$ pkg search /var/cache/fontconfig
INDEX      ACTION VALUE                PACKAGE
path       dir    var/cache/fontconfig

$ pkg fix pkg:/system/library/fontconfig
               Packages to fix:   1
       Create boot environment:  No
Create backup boot environment: Yes

        dir: var/cache/fontconfig
                ERROR: Owner: 'predrag_zecevic (2903)' should be 'root (0)'
                ERROR: Group: 'admin (1961)' should be 'bin (2)'

$ pkg -R /beadm fix pkg:/system/library/fontconfig
Packages to fix: 1

        dir: var/cache/fontconfig
                ERROR: Owner: 'predrag_zecevic (2903)' should be 'root (0)'
                ERROR: Group: 'admin (1961)' should be 'bin (2)'

Do not ask me how my account had become owner of /var/cache/fontconfig
(and when)...

After actions from above, I have deleted all files from
/beadm/var/cache/fontconfig, unmounted BE and booted into it.

Everything went back to normal (I am writing this from BE oi_181018 now) :-)

Content of /var/cache/fontconfig changes (grows) when I start new
application, but that it is (as I have deleted all files before boot
into BE)...

Hints were OK ... Maybe package pkg:/system/library/fontconfig should
check for permissions (at least on upgrade - no idea - so people do not
waste time on such mistakes).

One more time, big thanks to everybody...

With best regards.
Predrag Zečević
Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

tel: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 15
mob: +49 - 174 - 3109288
fax: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 94
e-mail: predrag.zece...@2e-systems.com

headquarter: 2e Systems GmbH, Koenigsteiner Str. 87, 65812 Bad Soden am
Taunus, Germany
registration: Amtsgericht Koenigstein (Germany), HRB 7303
managing director: Phil Douglas

http://www.2e-systems.com/ - Making your business fly!

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