On 24/10/2018 09:09, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
On 10/23/18 21:42, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
On 10/23/18 07:38 AM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
What I wanted to say is, if desktop relies heavily of ownership (???) of
directory /var/cache/fontconfig, maybe that package has to check it (pkg

IPS packages are just data, they can't run commands like pkg verify -
other package systems, there is no scripting.

The closest that could happen would be adding it to the fc-cache service -
packages that deliver fonts trigger a refresh of this service to update the

I still do not understand why this:
$ find /var/cache/fontconfig/ -type f | wc -l

That is simply too much!

$ pkg verify pkg:/system/library/fontconfig
[Returns nothing]

$ pkg fix pkg:/system/library/fontconfig
No updates necessary for this image.

That is not too much in size, though:
$ du -shc /var/cache/fontconfig/
44M     /var/cache/fontconfig/
44M     total

Can someone share his /var/cache/fontconfig/ details (on desktop, using
OI /hipster)? Just to compare ...

Just for reference: A (fontwise) well equipped OI_151a9 has between
150 and 200 files with about 9-11 MB contents. The hipster server
without Mate actively running has 11MB and 175 files. A second
older hipster server without Mate usage is at 200 files and 5 MB.

Maybe the high number comes from the fact that it just repeatedly
renewed the caches ? Does it still fill up to that number if you
remove all those cachefiles ?
Dr.Udo Grabowski   Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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