
On 5/18/2019 2:54 AM, alka wrote:
Your OS is OI 151a prestable 9 from 2014

This, sadly, does not mention the ZFS/Zpool version numbers.

Your ZFS version must be v5000 with features

OK, thanks.

You can request feature state with 'zpool get all backup'

Because I can't import the pool ("unsupported version or feature"), this gives me, "cannot open 'backup': no such pool". That's the catch-22 I keep running into.

I would use a current Illumos distribution from may 2019, either OmniOS long term stable 151030 or OpenIndiana Hipster 2019.05 in the GUI or text edition. They can both import your pool and give many new pool features and options (faster, stable, more secure)

The new Hipster barely runs with the GUI desktop on this old hardware. :-( That's why I am thinking OmniOS or one of the other distributions. Installing all of Hipster and then disabling half of it (the GUI desktop) seems silly, and like extra work.

You can manage both from console or my napp-it appliance add-on for easy web management.

I looked at napp-it ages ago. It's a good tool, but if all I need is rsync and SSH... What little I would need to do is easy enough from an SSH terminal session. (Part of why I'm not bothered of losing the desktop--the server runs headless anyway).


Thank you

Am 18.05.2019 um 08:14 schrieb Rainer Heilke:
I've just rebuilt my backup server using the same DVD I used to build it originally. (One of the rpool disks died, so I replaced both disks in the rpool mirror.) After I did the install, I ran a full upgrade. /etc/release says:
             OpenIndiana Development oi_151.1.9 X86 (powered by illumos)
        Copyright 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                        Use is subject to license terms.
                           Assembled 17 January 2014

Trying to import the backup zpool, though, it is telling me:
cannot import 'backup': unsupported version or feature
I don't know how the existing zpool is more current, as until now, the system hadn't been updated in quite some time.

Is there a way I can find out the ZFS version of the backup pool, and what version the OS is running? Also, if I replace OpenIndiana with a current version of, say, OmniOS, will the ZFS version be likely to access this zpool? I really don't need a GUI on my backup server, as it only needs to accept rsync runs from my NAS, and allow me to SSH in for administration. Or would I be better off running a different OpenSolaris-based OS? I really haven't kept up with all of the various options out there.

Thanks in advance,

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