On 06/21/19 10:09 PM, Chris Game wrote:
Part way to setting up sharing folder with OI guest on windows10 host. Message tells me that I need to install guest additions.

Now the VB guest additions CD when mounted has a
VBoxSolarisAdditions pkg file but how to install this? The old
pkgadd command isn't available and pkg requires manipulating
publishers and what not. Is there a package available in the
standard OI repo that installs guest additions? Or if not what is
the recommended way to get this working?

It is expected to install with elevated privileges 'system/virtualbox/virtualbox-additions', a package we provide, and restart:

$ pkg install -v pkg:/system/virtualbox/virtualbox-additions

The ultimate aim is to get a sharing folder mounted in OI which is
visible from the Windows host

I tested this with OI as a guest and a host. Should work with VirtualBox 6.0.8.


Thanks for any  help and advice.

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