In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox and guest additions, Chris...:

Part way to setting up sharing folder with OI guest on windows10 host.
Message tells me that I need to install guest additions.

Now the VB guest additions CD when mounted has a
VBoxSolarisAdditions pkg file but how to install this? The old
pkgadd command isn't available and pkg requires manipulating
publishers and what not.

Yeah, I wouldn't use the one from the virtual CD.

Is there a package available in the
standard OI repo that installs guest additions?

Yup!  On the OI guest:

        pfexec pkg install system/virtualbox/virtualbox-additions

Or if not what is
the recommended way to get this working?

The ultimate aim is to get a sharing folder mounted in OI which is
visible from the Windows host

I'm doing the opposite: I have an OI hipster workstation that's the host,
and a Windows 10 guest.  I've been able to make the shared folder work
just fine going that direction, so I suspect you'll have the same

Shared clipboard is also working well between the two.  Only thing I miss
right now is USB passthrough, but I haven't had enough cycles to even
begin to look at that.

Tim Mooney                                   
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