we are able to achieve RAIDZ configuration in other way like , we are able
to create RAIDZ2 with 5 disks in vdev at initial. After reboot we are
adding disks to the existing pool as 2nd vdev with 5 disks and then reboot
again adding disks to the same pool as 3 vdev and so on....... the small
change we have in command is as below(giving labelname of disk with
/dev/gpt,  before we were giving disk name as ada0.....)
zpool create datapool raidz2 ada0 ada1 ada2 ada3 ada4
zpool create datapool raidz2 /dev/gpt/disk0 /dev/gpt/disk1 /dev/gpt/disk2
/dev/gpt/disk3 /dev/gpt/disk4   #for the first time
then reboot
then we are adding disks to the pool in the existing pool with 5 disks.
This process is repeated for every reboot. to make these 15 disks part of
RAIDZ. But the problem , this is not our requirement we should create RAIDZ
with multiple vdev's in single commands instead of adding on reboot
zpool create datapool raidz2 /dev/gpt/disk0 ...............raidz2
/dev/gpt/disk4..............raidz2 /dev/gpt/disk9 ................. #this
way it should work
in short, we need create RAIDZ with all disks all at once

So any suggestion to achieve at once...!?

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 6:16 PM Toomas Soome <tso...@me.com> wrote:

> On 18. Feb 2021, at 14:23, Thebest videos <sri.chityala...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I am still new in the freebsd zfs world so I am asking the question below 
> kindly bear with me:Is it necessary to create a boot partition on each disk, 
> to make it part of raidz configuration
> boot partition (zfs-boot/efi) needs to be on member of bootable pool for
> two reasons; first, if you have disk failing, you want to be able to boot
> from other disk, and secondly, it will help to keep devices in pool to have
> exactly the same layout.
> When you say boot pool what does it mean exactly ?
> boot pool is the pool you use to load boot loader and OS (kernel).
> Specifically, you point your BIOS to use boot disk belonging to boot pool
> and the pool itself does have bootfs property set (zpool get bootfs).
> boot pool normally does contain the OS installation.
>      you mean to say should I create separate boot pool and data pool 
> something like     zpool create bootpool raidz disk1-p1 disk2-p1
>      zpool create datapool raidz disk1-p3 disk2-p3 Or you mean something 
> else.I am still not able to understand virtualbox limit of 5 disk how it is 
> blocking me.
> with virtualbox, this limit means your boot pool must be built from max 5
> disks, and those 5 disks must be first in disk list. If you use more disks,
> then virtualbox will not see the extra ones and those disks are marked as
> UNKNOWN. if more than parity number disks are missing, we can not read the
> pool.
> what is your recommendation to arrange 13 disk in raidz configuration (you 
> can avoid this question if it is going beyond )
> There is no one answer for this question, it depends on what kind of IO
> will be done there. You can create one single 10+2 raidz2 with spare or
> 10+3 raidz3, but with raidz, all writes are whole stripe writes.
> rgds,
> toomas
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 4:48 PM Toomas Soome <tso...@me.com> wrote:
>> On 18. Feb 2021, at 12:52, Thebest videos <sri.chityala...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Ok, We also generated .img file using our custom OS from freebsd source.
>> we are uploaded img file to digital ocean images. then we are creating
>> droplet. everything working fine for basic operating system. but we are
>> facing same issue at droplet side. atleast on virtual box we are able to
>> create single vdev upto 5 disks and 2 vdevs with 3 disk each vdev(i mean
>> upto 6 disks). but digital ocean side we are unable to create atleast
>> single vdev with 3 disks. its working fine with 2 disks as mirror pool. we
>> are raised the issue on digital ocean like any restrictions on number of
>> disks towards the RAIDZ. but they says there is no constraints on number of
>> disks. we can create as RAIDZ as many number of disks. we still don't
>> understand where is the mistake. we also raised same query on freebsd forum
>> but no response. as i already shares the manual steps which we are
>> following to create partitions and RAIDZ configuration. are we making any
>> mistake from commands which we are following towards RAIDZ configuration or
>> as you said its king of restrictions on number of disks on virtual box and
>> might digital ocean side. i mean restricitons on vender side?!.  Any
>> guesses if it works(if no mistakes from commands we are using)if we attach
>> CD/image to any bare metal server...?! or any suggestions?
>> I have no personal experience with digital ocean, but the basic test is
>> the same; if you get loader OK prompt, use lsdev -v command to check how
>> many disks you can actually see. There actually is another option too —
>> with BIOS boot, when you see the very first spinner, press space key and
>> you will get boot: prompt. This is very limited but still useful prompt
>> from gptzfsboot proagram (the one which will try to find and start
>> /boot/loader). On boot: prompt, you can enter: status — this will produce
>> the same report as you get from lsdev.
>> So, if you know your VM should have, say, 10 disks, but boot: status or
>> ok lsdev will show less, then you know, there must be BIOS limit (we do use
>> BIOS INT13h to access the disks).
>> Please note, if the provider does offer option to use UEFI, it *may*
>> support greater number of boot disks, the same check does apply with UEFI
>> as well (lsdev -v).
>> rgds,
>> toomas
>> These are commands we are using to create partitions and RAIDZ
>> configuration
>> NOTE: we are creating below gpart partitions(boot,swap,root) on all hard
>> disks then adding those hard disks in zpool command
>> Doubt: should we create partitions(boot,swap,root) on all hard disks to
>> make part of RAIDZ configuration or is it enough to add in zpool as raw
>> disks or making 2-3 disks as bootable then remaining as raw disks? anyway
>> please check below commands we are using to create partitions and zpool
>> configurations
>>     gpart create -s gpt /dev/da0
>>     gpart add -a 4k -s 512K -t freebsd-boot da0
>>     gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 da0
>>     gpart add -a 1m -s 2G -t freebsd-swap -l swap1 da0
>>     gpart add -a 1m -t freebsd-zfs -l disk1 da0
>>    zpool create -o altroot=/mnt datapool raidz2 ada0p3 ada1p3 ada2p3
>> ada3p3  raidz2 ada4p3 ada5p3 ada6p3 ada7p3
>>     zfs create -o mountpoint=/ -o canmount=noauto datapool/boot
>>     mount -t zfs datapool/boot /mnt
>>     cp -r /temp/* /mnt/.
>>     zpool set bootfs=datapool/boot datapool
>>     zfs create -o mountpoint=/storage -o canmount=noauto datapool/storage
>>     zfs create -o mountpoint=/conf -o canmount=noauto datapool/conf
>>     shutdown and remove iso/img and start it again
>>     zpool import datapool
>>     mkdir /conf /storage
>>     mount -t zfs datapool/conf /conf
>>     mount -t zfs datapool/storage /storage
>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 3:33 PM Toomas Soome <tso...@me.com> wrote:
>>> On 18. Feb 2021, at 11:52, Thebest videos <sri.chityala...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> as per your reply, im not clear
>>> although i've tried to create 2 pools with 4 disks(for testing purpose)
>>> each pool in a single vdev as expected it works. but that is not our
>>> requirement since we intended to chose single pool as many number of disks
>>> which should part of multiple vdev's based of condition(max 5 disks each
>>> vdev) and any disks left after part of vdev should act as spare disks.
>>> finally max 5 disks are coming ONLINE in vdev remaining disks going as
>>> says OFFLINE state disk state is UNKNOWN. is there anyway to fix this issue.
>>> If you want to use virtualbox, then there is limit that virtualbox does
>>> only see first 5 disk devices. This is vbox limit and there are only two
>>> options about it - either accept it or to file feature request to
>>> virtualbox developers.
>>> Different systems can set different limits there, for example, VMware
>>> Fusion does support booting from first 12 disks. It also can have more
>>> disks than 12, but  only first 12 are visible for boot loader.
>>> Real hardware is vendor specific.
>>> rgds,
>>> toomas
>>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 1:24 AM Toomas Soome via openindiana-discuss <
>>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org> wrote:
>>>> > On 17. Feb 2021, at 20:49, Thebest videos <sri.chityala...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > NOTE: we are getting issues after shutdown , then remove ISO file from
>>>> > virtualBox then power on the server. if we attach an ISO file we are
>>>> safe
>>>> > with our Zpool stuff. and we are creating boot,swap,root partitions
>>>> on each
>>>> > disks.
>>>> vbox seems to have limit on boot disks - it appears to “see” 5, My vbox
>>>> has IDE for boot disk, and I did add 6 sas disks, I only can see 5 — ide +
>>>> 4 sas.
>>>> So all you need to do is to add disk for boot pool, and make sure it is
>>>> first one - once kernel is up, it can see all the disks.
>>>> rgds,
>>>> toomas
>>>> > I'm not able to understand First 5 disks are ONLINE and remaining
>>>> disks are
>>>> > UNKNOWN state after power off and then power on
>>>> > actually our requirement is to create RAIDZ1/RAIDZ2 with single
>>>> vdev(upto 5
>>>> > disks per vdev) if more than 5 or less than 10 disks then those
>>>> disks(after
>>>> > 5disks) are spare part shouldn't be included any vdev. if we have
>>>> > multiple's of 5 disks then we need to create multiple vdev in a pool
>>>> > example: RAIDZ2 : if total 7 disks then 5 disks as single vdev,
>>>> remaining 2
>>>> > disks as spare parts nothing to do. and if we have 12 disks intotal
>>>> then 2
>>>> > vdevs (5 disks per vdev) so total 10 disks in 2 vdevs remaining
>>>> 2disks as
>>>> > spare.
>>>> > RAIDZ1: if we have only 3 disks then we should create RAIDZ1
>>>> >
>>>> > Here, we wrote a zfs script for our requirements(but currently
>>>> testing with
>>>> > manual commands). We are able to createRAIDZ2 with a single vdev in a
>>>> pool
>>>> > for 5 disks. it works upto 9 disks but if we have 10 disks then 2
>>>> vdevs are
>>>> > created after power on the same error coming like zfs: i/o error all
>>>> copies
>>>> > blocked.
>>>> > I was testing the RAIDZ like I'm creating 2 vdevs which have 3 disks
>>>> per
>>>> > each vdev.its working fine even after shutdown and power on(as says
>>>> that we
>>>> > are removing the ISO file after shutdown).
>>>> > but the issue is when we create 2 vdevs with 4 disks per each
>>>> vdev.this
>>>> > time we are not getting error its giving options like we press esc
>>>> button
>>>> > what kind of options we see those options are coming. if i type lsdev
>>>> -v(as
>>>> > you said before). first 5 disks are online and the remaining 3 disks
>>>> are
>>>> > UNKNOWN.
>>>> >
>>>> > FInally, I need to setup RAIDZ configuration with 5 multiples of
>>>> disks per
>>>> > each vdev.  please look once again below commands im using to create
>>>> > partitions and RAIDZ configuration
>>>> >
>>>> > NOTE: below gpart commands are running for each disk
>>>> >
>>>> > gpart create -s gpt ada0
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > gpart add -a 4k -s 512K -t freebsd-boot ada0
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ada0
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > gpart add -a 1m -s 2G -t freebsd-swap -l swap0 ada0
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > gpart add -a 1m -t freebsd-zfs -l disk0 ada0
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > zpool create -o altroot=/mnt datapool raidz2 ada0p3 ada1p3 ada2p3
>>>> > ada3p3  raidz2 ada4p3 ada5p3 ada6p3 ada7p3
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > zfs create -o mountpoint=/ -o canmount=noauto datapool/boot
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > mount -t zfs datapool/boot /mnt
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > mount_cd9660 /dev/cd0 /media
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > cp -r /media/* /mnt/.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > zpool set bootfs=datapool/boot datapool
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > shutdown and remove ISO and power on the server
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > kindly suggest me steps if im wrong
>>>> >
>>>> > On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 11:51 PM Thebest videos <
>>>> sri.chityala...@gmail.com>
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> prtconf -v | grep biosdev not working on freebsd
>>>> >> i think its legacy boot system(im not sure actually i didnt find
>>>> anything
>>>> >> about EFI related stuff) is there anyway to check EFI
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Create the pool with EFI boot:
>>>> >> # zpool create -B rpool raidz c0t0d0 c0t1d0 c0t3d0
>>>> >>
>>>> >> how can i create pool with EFI
>>>> >> and -B what it refers?
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 11:00 PM John D Groenveld <groenv...@acm.org
>>>> >
>>>> >> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> In message <272389262.2537371.1613575739...@mail.yahoo.com>,
>>>> Reginald
>>>> >>> Beardsley
>>>> >>> via openindiana-discuss writes:
>>>> >>>> I was not aware that it was possible to boot from RAIDZ. It wasn't
>>>> >>> possible wh
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> With the current text installer, escape to a shell.
>>>> >>> Confirm the disks are all BIOS accessible:
>>>> >>> # prtconf -v | grep biosdev
>>>> >>> Create the pool with EFI boot:
>>>> >>> # zpool create -B rpool raidz c0t0d0 c0t1d0 c0t3d0
>>>> >>> Exit and return to the installer and then F5 Install to an Existing
>>>> Pool
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> John
>>>> >>> groenv...@acm.org
>>>> >>>
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