> On 25. Feb 2021, at 14:30, Thebest videos <sri.chityala...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Toomas,
> I was trying to understand zpool spare functionality, so as part of that im 
> doing as below
> I have 15 disks as 3 vdevs(5 disks in each vdev) and 2 disks as spare. so i 
> removed one disk which is part of one of the vdev from datapool and trying to 
> write the data. then im replacing the same disk to check auto replacement 
> functionality(already enabled autoreplace) from spare disks. but auto replace 
> is not working. and i got checksum as 1 (screenshot attached). then tried 
> manual replacement with one spare disk. 
> questions:
> 1. why auto replacement doesnt work even after enabling the autoreplace=on in 
> zpool

             Controls automatic device replacement.  If set to off, device
             replacement must be initiated by the administrator by using the
             zpool replace command.  If set to on, any new device, found in
             the same physical location as a device that previously belonged
             to the pool, is automatically formatted and replaced.  The
             default behavior is off.  This property can also be referred to
             by its shortened column name, replace.

That is, you need to insert new disk to the same slot where old disk was.

> 2. why checksum is 1 on removed disk. i mean how to make checksum zero. or 
> can i ignore ? or can i use zpool clear(what it does exactly)?

zpool clear will reset error counters to 0, nothing more. zpool scrub will 
check the whole pool.

> 3. after manual replacement why replaced disk(disk15) and old disk(disk14) 
> under spare-4.why there is confusing  with old disk and replaced disk. 
> please let me know. i tried from google but i didnt get clarity.
> <Screenshot 2021-02-25 at 5.44.07 PM.png>

when you have spare disk configure, and that spare is in use, that fact does 
not change the spare disk to something else. You need still to replace the 
broken disk and once that is done, the currently INUSE spare will get status 


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