I was able to patch the path to the libraries, but the open still fails and 
then SEGV faults. From the ENOTSUP error I presume I need to fix the vtoc I 
wiped out in my haste. But it's some small progress and I know a little bit 
more. Probably time for a browse through the Internals 1st ed.


4043/1: open("/dev/rdsk/c4d0s0", O_RDONLY|O_NDELAY) = 4
4043/1: stat64("/opt/VRTSvxvm/lib/libadm.so.1", 0x08046968) = 0
4043/1: resolvepath("/opt/VRTSvxvm/lib/libadm.so.1", "/lib/libadm.so.1", 1023) 
= 16
4043/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGEXTVTOC, 0x080477A8) Err#48 ENOTSUP
4043/1: stat64("/opt/VRTSvxvm/lib/libefi.so.1", 0x08046968) = 0
4043/1: resolvepath("/opt/VRTSvxvm/lib/libefi.so.1", "/lib/libefi.so.1", 1023) 
= 16
4043/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGMEDIAINFO, 0x08047310) = 0
4043/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGMBOOT, 0x080979D0) = 0
4043/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCINFO, 0x080472A4) = 0
4043/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGMEDIAINFO, 0x08047300) = 0
4043/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGETEFI, 0x080472E8) = 0
4043/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGETEFI, 0x080472E8) = 0
4043/1: ioctl(4, DKIOCGETEFI, 0x080472E8) = 0
4043/1: close(4) = 0
4043/1: stat("/dev/rdsk/c4d0p0", 0x08047608) = 0
4043/1: open("/dev/rdsk/c4d0p0", O_RDONLY) Err#6 ENXIO
4043/1: fstat64(2, 0x08046640) = 0
4043/1: write(2, " E r r o r : c a n ' t".., 24) = 24
4043/1: write(2, " / d e v / r d s k / c 4".., 16) = 16
4043/1: write(2, " ' .\n", 3) = 3
4043/1: Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS %pc = 0x080658CB
4043/1: siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000258
4043/1: Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
4043/1: siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000258

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