As noted earlier, Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead! Send me the dtrace. 
I've been wanting to learn that better for quite a while. I'm pretty sure I 
have the book, but haven't had the motivation.

I'm doing one of my unplanned, purely random projects. I've dropped around $200 
on books on FreeBSD, Solaris and ZFS internals which will be arriving late this 
week or early next week. The VTOC discussion in the 1st ed of "Solaris 
Internals" was a bit of a let down. I'm hoping that the 2nd ed addresses that.

I take it *very* seriously when computers don't do *exactly* what I want. And I 
have a long history of doing rather exotic stuff. Before I became good friends 
with Unix I tuned a MicroVAX II in a BA123 "world box" to run 2 batch queues at 
100% CPU utilization 24x7 without degrading interactive usage. Can't do that in 
Unix because of fork-exec, but you can in a transient process space OS like VMS 
by setting WS_QUOTA, WS_EXTANT and related parameters. Sadly in a few months of 
runs I probably saved the research group I was in more than I was being paid, 
but lost my financial support and PhD along with it. Oh, well.

Have Fun!

On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 12:52:04 PM CST, Toomas Soome via 
openindiana-discuss <> wrote:

cmdkopen() has 4 cases for ENXIO, first one is when we can not get softstate 
(we can drop it, I guess). Other three are about disk label (cmlb_valiate() and 
cmlb_partinfo()) and some state variables, so it has to be there. Next 
interesting bit could be get with dtrace:)

It is certain, there is something weird going on, we can post instructions for 
dtrace, if you are still willing to go on. It would be nice to get to bottom of 
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