Do kernel modules load in a consistent order?

Where is the code that creates the symlinks in /var/run, when is it supposed to 
run and what determines the timing?  

On the first boot of 2021.04_rc1 after install,  the X server can't find  I stopped in single user mode and rewrote the symlinks to point to 
the correct library.  It did get farther, but still crashed.

How does one stop at milestone:all without starting X?  Is disabling lightdm 

I have 1st and 2nd ed of "Solaris Internals", but as those are dated, I would 
like to confirm the kernel module load order without having to do multiple 
boots and saving modinfo output.

There is an extensive set of log files from the Live Image boot, the single 
user boot post install, the post install crash etc  in #13706 logs.tar


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