Well, I looked over my notes and the last time I did this was in 2014.

My preference has always been to run OI on its own drive and have the
main ZFS tank as a "whole drive" basis. However, thanks to the QNAP,
that's changed.

In 2014 I did a test. I took two 40gig drives and did the partitions as
an all free hog on partition 0 ... I was simply testing the ability to
configure rpool on two drives and have both active, so if one failed
the other would keep running the OS.

My immediate thought is to have 100gig for the OS on partition 0 and
the rest on partition 1. Also, turn on auto expand for the tank pool
and off for the rpool.

That's my gut feel.

Anyone got any advice to offer please, before I commit finger to


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