Hi Michelle,

I'd take a close look at:

1. SATA cable, try replacing it. Check that connectors are ok on the 
mainboard(firmly seated, no obvious soldering issues). Check that the 
cable does not have any kinks or sharp bends(a bend radius smaller that 
a golfball might give you issues -especially when using faster drives).

2. Power supply (try using another connector from the PSU to the SSD, if 
possible try using another power supply. It might be unstable to a point 
where only the SSD suffers from it and not the rest of the system -this 
can actually happen.)

3. Memory, try removing the dimms, clean the slots with a soft brush and 
reseat them.

4. Interference, do you have anything near the system that generates a 
magnetic field or other kinds of electromagnetic readiation?  I once had 
a Sun E250 in a small business that failed with the weirdest errors from 
the most obscure components. After seeing another E250 having the exact 
same issues when in the same location, we found out that it was caused 
by the power supply to their 12V halogen lights in the ceiling... After 
replacing the power supply to the lights, the errors went away.

Oh yeah, and upgrade the BIOS if possible. Just in case.



On 29/08/2021 14.51, Michelle wrote:
> AHCI was already enabled. The IDE mode was legacy, so I've turned that
> off and a few other settings, but there's only so far I can go.
> So far, the OS is booting without the need for re-installation as it
> was already AHCI... but... well....
> Michelle.
> On Sun, 2021-08-29 at 14:56 +0300, Toomas Soome via openindiana-discuss
> wrote:
>>> On 29. Aug 2021, at 14:31, Michelle <miche...@msknight.com> wrote:
>>> I'm sat here, not knowing quite what I'm dealing with.
>>> OI recent build on HP N54L, as you may remember I hit a problem on
>>> the
>>> 8th August with rpool encountering an error on the SSD with the OS.
>>> I replaced the drive and had the same thing straight away. Replaced
>>> with another drive and took the unit down to basics including a RAM
>>> check and rebuilt it. It's been running until today... same thing.
>>> On the messages screen I see at just gone 00:00 this morning...
>>> Sense Key: aborted command
>>> Vendor Gen-ATA error code 0x3
>>> Rpool has encountered an uncorrectable IO failure and has been
>>> suspended. Zpool clear will be required before the pool can be
>>> written
>>> to
>>> The rpool message repeated at 00:05, 00:22, 02:54 and at 08:54
>>> ...and
>>> it's now stopped responding.
>>> So... I've now got no idea where to take this. On the face of it,
>>> the
>>> hardware is fine... on the face of it. However, there's something
>>> wrong
>>> here and given the history, I'm not sure where to start.
>>> Part of me thinks I'm looking at hardware...
>>> Power? Hmmm... why does the SSD fail instead of the spinning rust
>>> drives?
>>> Yet another hard drive? This is number three now, throwing
>>> suspicion at
>>> other aspects.
>>> I am reticent to just replace with another hard drive and carry on.
>>> I
>>> think it may not be to blame here.
>>> Grateful for people's thoughts.
>>> Michelle.
>> Apparently this can be multiple things… Does your system allow to set
>> AHCI (SATA) mode from BIOS setup? This may help.
>> also see
>> https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19253-01/820-7273/ggmsj/index.html <
>> https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19253-01/820-7273/ggmsj/index.html>
>> In general, you really want to keep away from IDE…
>> rgds,
>> toomas
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Tony Albers - Systems Architect - Data Department, Royal Danish Library, 
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