On Sat, Jan 06, 2024 at 06:33:42PM -0600, Matthew R. Trower wrote:
> mtrower@saturn:~$ conky
> ld.so.1: conky: fatal: libcurl.so.4: open failed: No such file or directory
> Killed

There are several types of software you can run on OpenIndiana:

1. Software built by OpenIndiana maintainers and available via either
   openindiana.org or hipster-encumbered ips publishers.

   For such software OI maintainers aims to keep them fully working.  If
   there is any issue with such software it could be considered as a
   bug.  Any reports of issues here are welcome.  Also help to solve
   such issues is welcome.

2. User compiled (either open source, or its own) software.

   For such software OI maintainers cannot provide any support because
   they simply do know nothing about such software.  If such software
   works with OpenIndiana at one point in time, then user is just lucky,
   because _any_ change in OpenIndiana could break such software and OI
   maintainers have no way to notice.  Such change could include:

        - library update (library name could change)
        - pacakge obsoletion
        - any file relocation or removal

   For such software there are only two viable ways to make sure the
   software works:

        - contribute it to oi-userland
        - maintain it yourself

3. 3rd party binary only software.

   For this software everything above in #2 applies, but there could be
   some exceptions for some special cases where OI maintainers decided
   to support such software with extra effort.

Your 'conky' case falls under #2.

There was recent discussion about support for SunRay software which
would fall under #3.

> root@saturn:/root# certutil -L -d /var/ldap
> certutil: function failed: PR_LOAD_LIBRARY_ERROR: Failure to load dynamic
> library
>         ld.so.1: certutil: fatal: relocation error: file
> /usr/lib/mps/libsoftokn3.so: symbol sqlite3_temp_directory: referenced
> symbol not found

Thanks for the report.  This falls under #1 above and _somebody_ needs
to look at it and try to solve the problem.  I think in this case just
rebuild the system/mozilla-nss package 64-bit only should help.

Is 64-bit certutil at /usr/sfw/bin/amd64/certutil working properly for


| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |

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