On 10/7/2013 6:57 PM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
Hi Artem, Richard,

Thanks for your feedback! There's one more thing which further
complicates things and that I've forgot to mention. The chart is
embedded in a swing app, so doing as Artem suggests will not work: the
scene will have to be focused in order for it to receive keyboard
events, right?

For standalone FX apps (no Swing), it's required and enough to have FX scene focused. With Swing involved, things get more complicated. FX scene is considered to have focus, if the corresponding JFXPanel is focused (as a Swing component). Only in that case you'll be able to track key events using the event filters/handlers, otherwise you'll have to use Toolkit.addAWTEventListener() or something like this.



Thanks, best regards,

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Richard Bair <richard.b...@oracle.com
<mailto:richard.b...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    That being said, this seems like a very common use case, and I
    wonder if there is something more we could do (in the longer term,
    short term do as Artem suggests)

     > On Oct 7, 2013, at 3:56 AM, Artem Ananiev
    <artem.anan...@oracle.com <mailto:artem.anan...@oracle.com>> wrote:
     >> On 10/7/2013 2:40 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
     >> Hi,
     >> I have the following use case:
     >> When the user presses shift and the mouse is hover the chart
    component the
     >> cursor must change to an open hand cursor signaling to the user
    that the
     >> chart is ready for a panning action.
     >> The problem is that for this to be possible I want the chart to
    be able to
     >> listen to keyboard events even when it doesn't have focus.
     >> I think this is not possible and I wonder why. Swing was the
    same, you
     >> could only listen to keyboard events if the control had focus.
    Is this a
     >> technical limitation? If there is no technical limitation I
    think it would
     >> be better to remove this restriction, I think it is limiting and
    the above
     >> scenario is a good use case to show that.
     > This is not a technical limitation, it's just the way how it's
    supposed to work. All the key events are dispatched to the component
    in focus, this is what input focus is.
     > Scenario you described should be easier to implement in FX than
    in Swing. In AWT/Swing, input events are dispatched to a single
    component, while FX is much more flexible. All the events are
    delivered to a Scene first, then dispatched to the focused component
    (or component under mouse, for mouse events), then bubbled up back
    to the Scene. What you need is to register a custom event filter for
    the scene and listen to all the key events.
     > See Scene.addEventFilter() and Scene.addEventHandler() for details.
     > Thanks,
     > Artem
     >> Thanks, best regards,

Pedro Duque Vieira

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