The thing is, point size is a fixed size - 1pt==1/72 in, regardless of the DPI. 
It is simply incorrect and confusing, arbitrarily deciding that a point is 

How about implementing the fix based on a global static variable somewhere? And 
perhaps printing a warning to the console when the first CSS is applied if that 
global hasn't been set saying, "CSS point-size fix not activated - this will be 
set by default in a future release".


On Mar 5, 2014, at 4:03 PM, Felipe Heidrich <> wrote:

> The problem is that point size used by Node and point size used by CSS are 
> not the same.
> One uses a 72 DPI and the other 96. Thus the final pixel sizes are different.
> I don’t see how to change one or the other without breaking a ton of people.
> Maybe adding a global font DPI so that Node can be made to match CSS ?
> Suggestions ?
> Felipe
> On Mar 5, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Pedro Duque Vieira <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Tom, Jeff, Felipe...
>> Having bugs stay in to maintain backwards compatibility sounds very weird
>> to me IMHO.
>> If we go down that road aren't we creating a library that will some day
>> have too many glitches and as such less appeal to programmers looking for
>> UI libraries?
>> Thanks,
>>> Hi
>>> On Mar 4, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Jeff Martin <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Tom! I assume the thread was this one:
>>>>     Font.font() says it is point size but it looks like it are pixels
>>>> I guess the final word is that CSS assumes 1pt==1/92in,
>>> Yes
>>>> and Nodes convert that to the real world on render?
>>> On the printer yes, on the display it assumes 72 (pt=px).
>>>> And that this is basically a bug, but it can't be fixed due to legacy
>>> considerations?
>>> Yes
>>> Felipe
>> -- 
>> Pedro Duque Vieira

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