JIRA Issue:

Latest webrev:

Removed new makefile (eyesore), cleaned up/enhanced existing Makefile, fixed a 
compiler warning.

Last iteration hopefully, I let it bake for 12 hours and haven't had the urge 
to change anything ;)


> Kirill, Alexander, Kevin:
> New version up for review, please take a look:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ddehaven/RT-38074/rt.1/
> I moved OSXPlatform and OSXMediaPlayer code back to jfxmedia, since it was 
> meant to be an abstraction point for using either QTKit or AVFoundation in 
> the first place.
> -DrD-
>> Belay that review.. I have some (significant) changes to make, in 
>> preparation for the larger task of implementing the AVFoundation based code.
>> -DrD-
>>> JIRA:
>>> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-38074
>>> Webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ddehaven/RT-38074/rt.0/
>>> This change moves the QTKit based media platform code into it's own dylib. 
>>> NativeMediaManager had to be modified to allow detection of the new library 
>>> to determine if the platform was available or not. There may be a slight 
>>> performance impact due to loading the native libs sooner, but the bulk of 
>>> the initialization is still done at a later time.
>>> -DrD-

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