I just looked, and saw that this was discussed on the awt-dev mailing list about 4 or 5 months ago when JDK-8074763 was reviewed. I even raised this as a concern, but then promptly forgot about it.

I just filed https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8134709 to track this.

Thank you for reporting it.

-- Kevin

Kevin Rushforth wrote:
I just tried it -- it's a real failure, which is odd since I thought I had built with JDK 9 more recently than that. I will file a bug.

-- Kevin

Kevin Rushforth wrote:
We still use JDK 8u40 as our boot JDK for building FX 9-dev, but it should work against JDK 9-dev as well.

Did you remember to remove jfxrt.jar from your JDK 9? The build.gradle script doesn't know to look for it in $JDK_HOME/lib and warn you if you forget -- it only looks in $JDK_HOME/jre/lib/ext which is where it is in JDK 8.

-- Kevin

Sven Reimers wrote:

I get the following error trying to compile latest 9-dev from openjfx
against latest jdk9:

error: cannot find symbol
[ant:javac]                     if (ctx != null) ctx.removeNotify();
[ant:javac]                                         ^
[ant:javac]   symbol:   method removeNotify()
[ant:javac]   location: variable ctx of type DropTargetContext
error: cannot find symbol
[ant:javac]                            ^
[ant:javac]   symbol:   method addNotify(FXDnD.FXDropTargetContextPeer)
[ant:javac]   location: variable ctx of type DropTargetContext
error: cannot find symbol
[ant:javac]                     if (ctx != null) ctx.removeNotify();
[ant:javac]                                         ^
[ant:javac]   symbol:   method removeNotify()
[ant:javac]   location: variable ctx of type DropTargetContext
error: cannot find symbol
[ant:javac]                     if (ctx != null) ctx.removeNotify();
[ant:javac]                                         ^
[ant:javac]   symbol:   method removeNotify()
[ant:javac]   location: variable ctx of type DropTargetContext
[ant:javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[ant:javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[ant:javac] Note:
uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[ant:javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[ant:javac] 4 errors

Reason seems to be the change


Could not find the issue in the JBS - maybe may jira fu was not good

So should we build 9-dev against jdk8u-60?

Seems I must have missed something


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