Forgot to respond to this:

Also in MethodUtil::invoke
  61            if (!module.isExported(packageName)) {
You can do this check only if module.isNamed.

No, this check will work fine on an unnamed module. Module::isExported and Module::isOpen always return true for Module::unnamed.

-- Kevin

Kevin Rushforth wrote:
OK, I'll create a more informative message. I think it will be more clear in the message to just say that it needs to "open" the package to javafx.base, since that would be the recommendation for a package that isn't already exported unconditionally. I'll send out a new webrev this morning with all feedback incorporated.

-- Kevin

Mandy Chung wrote:
On May 2, 2017, at 2:22 PM, Kevin Rushforth <> wrote:

Here is the message:

IllegalAccessException: class cannot access class (in module because module does not open to javafx.base

It would be better to emit a more informative message e.g. “javafx.base cannot access class (in module Either exports unqualifiedly or open to javafx.base”. Also in MethodUtil::invoke
  61            if (!module.isExported(packageName)) {
You can do this check only if module.isNamed.

It is roughly the same message that any similar illegal access would generate (e.g., we get similar error messages when FXML tries to call setAccessible for a field annotated with @FXML if the module is not "open" to javafx.fxml).

45 public static Object invoke(Method m, Object obj, Object[] params)

To avoid 3 ModuleHelper classes, the invoke method can take
the callerModule argument to replace this line: 56 final Module thisModule = MethodHelper.class.getModule();
I'm fairly certain that won't work. Module::addOpens is caller sensitive and will only work when called from the module in question.

You are right.  Wont’t work.
  There are a few other public methods which I think JavaFX doesn’t
  need and can be removed.
Yes, I could do this to reduce the public footprint of the class. To minimize the diffs between the original and our copy, I might just comment out the "public". That would also make it easier to add them back in a future version (e.g., to eventually get rid of all dependency on sun.reflect.misc). Thoughts?

I will leave it up to you.

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