
WebGL is something that is currently in the planning pipeline with a relatively high priority. This means it is not under active development yet, but we already have engineers working on the research towards this feature. Once this is concluded and the scope of the work better understood, a JEP will be filed to engage the community on this project, and notification will be sent to the openjfx-dev mailing list.

In reference to the question on whether WebView uses WebKit rendering or JavaFX rendering, I believe the answer is the latter.

-- Jonathan

On 25/08/17 12:12 PM, John-Val Rose wrote:
I have a couple of questions about the implementation of WebView within

I understand that, at present, it is based on WebKit but does not support
WebGL.  For our requirements, WebGL support is essential and I expect that
other developers would appreciate support of this kind as well.

It appears that WebGL support will not be implemented until Java 10 at the
earliest, or, perhaps even later.  As we know, this could be several years
away so I would like to offer my time to work on implementing WebGL support
ASAP so that it can be released to the community as part of an incremental
Java 9 release.

How do you feel about this suggestion?

Also, could you please let me know that if the current WebView is just a
wrapper around WebKit and uses native WebKit rendering, or is it actually
using the JavaFX API itself to do the rendering within the JavaFX rendering


*John-Val Rose*
*Chief Scientist/Architect*
*Rosethorn Technology*

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