I am pleased to announce the final release of JavaFX 11 as well as the launch of a new OpenJFX community site at:


The GA version of JavaFX 11 is now live and can be downloaded by going to the openjfx.io site or by accessing javafx modules from maven central at openjfx:javafx-COMPONENT:11 (where COMPONENT is one of base, graphics, controls, and so forth).

This is the first standalone release of JavaFX 11. It runs with JDK 11, which is available as a release candidate now and will be shipped as a GA version next week, or on JDK 10 (OpenJDK build only).

A big thank you to all who have contributed to OpenJFX make this release possible! I especially thank Johan Vos, both for taking on the role as Co-Lead of the OpenJFX Project and for the work that Gluon as done to build and host the JavaFX 11 release.

I look forward to working with you all on JavaFX 12 and beyond.

-- Kevin

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