
May be my first bug report in 2008 :-)
I felt very pride when I recieved this mail, even thougt it was a robot
answer :-)

> Dear Java Developer,
> Thank you for your interest in improving the quality of Java Technology. Your 
> report has been assigned an internal review ID of 1379474, which is NOT 
> visible on the Sun Developer Network (SDN). Please be aware that the large 
> volume of reports we receive sometimes prevents us from responding 
> individually to each message. If the information is determined to be a new 
> Bug or RFE, or a duplicate of a known Bug or RFE, you will receive a followup 
> email containing a seven digit bug number. You may search for, view, or vote 
> for this bug in the Bug Database at http://bugs.sun.com/. If you just 
> reported an issue that could have a major impact on your project and require 
> a timely response, please consider purchasing one of the support offerings 
> described at http://developers.sun.com/services/. The Sun Developer Network 
> (http://developers.sun.com) is a free service that Sun offers. To join, visit 
> http://developers.sun.com/global/join_sdn.html. For a limited time, SDN 
> members can obtain
licensed Java IDEs for web and enterprise development. More information is at 
http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/free/. Thank you for using our bug 
submit page.
> Regards, Java Developer Bug Report Review Team

But since some years, no more information. 

How to know the status of a bug report ? 

I'm present (trying to be not "noisy") in the JDK and JFX lists since I
discovered that one of my bug report (JDK-8133864) was treated without a
feedback from JBS. 

I saw that the bug was corrected only after installing a new Java

I never received a bug ID ? 

Could bug reporter have at least an automatic feedback of the status of
his bug report. 

Best regards. 

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