On tor. 27. sep. 2018 kl. 18:18 wrote Kevin Rushforth <
> I missed seeing the swing exception in your earlier message. Yes, the
Swing issue is a known problem in openjfx11, JDK-8210759 [1], and is
documented in the release notes [2].
> It will be fixed in openjfx12 just as soon as I push the fix for
JDK-8210092 [3] later today (the review was just finished earlier this
morning). This was one of the bugs waiting until the fix requiring JDK 11
for openjfx 12 was pushed.
> -- Kevin
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210759
> [2]
> [3] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210092

On tor. 27. sep. 2018 kl. 18:50 wrote Kevin Rushforth <
> Backporting this fix would mean an openjfx 11.x update release would stop
building or running with JDK 10. Not something that would be done lightly,
since it would break the "FX N runs with JDK N-1" policy we have been
discussing lately. There is an easy workaround for that bug that needs to
be done when running "jlink" to create your image. It's documented in the
release notes.
> -- Kevin

How can we continue to upgrade to newer OpenJFX as time goes by. Will the
later OpenJFX 13+ work with JDK 11 or is it just "FX N run JDK N-1" (one
version backward support)?

We would probably target the Java 11 because it is LTS. Changes to JDK will
be backported up to september 2023 by the community. If we are interested
in getting updates on OpenJFX also we would then need to always upgrade it.
I reckon there will not be a OpenJFX 11 LTS.


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