Need for the change [[JDK-8227808](]: Currently GTK3 is the default on Linux. However, there is build logic that will skip building glassgtk3 if the gtk3 development libraries are not installed. This creates a situation where the build will succeed, but the resulting JavaFX library will fail to run unless you explicitly force GTK2 with "-Djdk.gtk.version=2".
How to verify the change: On a Linux system without gtk2 and gtk3 packages, 1. Clone jfx and run gradle sdk. -> Build should fail with an error for missing GTK3 packages. 2. Install gtk3 packages, remove build directory and run gradle clean sdk. -> Build should fail with an error for missing GTK2 packages. 3. Install gtk2 packages, remove build directory and run gradle clean sdk. -> Build should finish without any error. Build verification: 1. Run a JavaFX application with -Djdk.gtk.verbose=true Verify the verbose message, the default glassgtk3 library should be used. 2. Run a JavaFX application with -Djdk.gtk.verbose=true -Djdk.gtk.version=2 Verify the verbose message, glassgtk2 library should be used. 3. Run a JavaFX application with -Djdk.gtk.verbose=true -Djdk.gtk.version=3 Verify the verbose message, glassgtk3 library should be used. ---------------- Commits: - 57157900: 8227808: Make GTK3 libraries mandatory for building on Linux Changes: Webrev: Issue: Stats: 18 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 10 del; 8 mod Patch: Fetch: git fetch pull/61/head:pull/61 PR: