On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:14:51 GMT, dannygonzalez 
<github.com+6702882+dannygonza...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> I agree, I kept these in as I wasn't sure if there was a need to manually 
>> force the garbage collection of weak listeners at the same rate as the 
>> original implementation.
>> Removing this would make sense to me also.
>> Updated my thoughts on this, see my comments below.
> As far as I know a LinkedHashMap doesn't automatically remove weak listener 
> entries. The listener maps can be holding weak listeners as well as normal 
> listeners.
> So we need to keep the original behaviour from before where a count was 
> checked on every addListener call and the weak references were purged from 
> the array using the original calculation for this count.
> Otherwise the map would never garbage collect these weak references.
> The initial value of 2 for these counts was just the starting count although 
> this is not necessarily strictly accurate. To be completely accurate then we 
> would have to set the appropriate count in each constructor as follows:
> i.e. in the Constructor with 2 InvalidationListeners:
> weakChangeListenerGcCount = 0
> weakInvalidationListenerGcCount = 2
> in the Constructor with 2 ChangeListeners:
> weakChangeListenerGcCount = 2
> weakInvalidationListenerGcCount = 0
> in the Constructor with 1 InvalidationListener and 1 ChangeListener:
> weakChangeListenerGcCount = 1
> weakInvalidationListenerGcCount = 1
> Now, I could have used a WeakHashMap to store the listeners where it would 
> automatically purge weak listeners but this doesn't maintain insertion order. 
> Even though the specification doesn't mandate that listeners should be called 
> back in the order they are registered, the unit tests failed when I didn't 
> maintain order.
> I am happy to remove this weak listener purge code (as it would make the code 
> much simpler) but then we wouldn't automatically remove the weak listeners, 
> but this may not be deemed a problem anyway?

> So we need to keep the original behaviour from before where a count was 
> checked on every addListener call and the weak references were purged from 
> the array using the original calculation for this count.

The GC'd weak listeners do need to be purged, but why is the original behavior 
of the counters still applicable?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/108

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