On Wed, 12 Feb 2020 14:57:33 GMT, Frederic Thevenet 
<github.com+7450507+ftheve...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Issue JDK-8088198, where an exception would be thrown when trying to capture 
>> a snapshot whose final dimensions would be larger than the running 
>> platform's maximum supported texture size, was addressed in openjfx14.
>> The fix, based around the idea of capturing as many tiles of the maximum 
>> possible size and re-compositing the final snapshot out of these, is 
>> currently only attempted after the original, non-tiled, strategy has already 
>> failed.
>> This was decided to avoid any risk of regressions, either in terms of 
>> performances and correctness, while still offering some relief to the 
>> original issue.
>> This follow-on issue aims to propose a fix to the original issue, that is 
>> able to correctly decide on the best snapshot strategy (tiled or not) to 
>> adopt before applying it and ensure best performances possible when tiling 
>> is necessary while still introducing no regressions compared to the original 
>> solution.
> I've marked this PR as a WIP for the time being because I've only tested it 
> on the d3d rendering pipeline so far, so I think it is too early to call for 
> a formal review yet.
> Still, I welcome feedback if someone wants to have a look at it already.
> In a nutshell, this is what this PR does:
> - Reverts changes from 8088198 
> - Implements tiling within `QuantumToolkit::renderToImage` instead
> - Gets the maxTextureSize directly from the `ResourceFactory` instance 
> instead of relying on `PrismSettings.maxTextureSize` (which may be wrong in 
> the event the maxTexture size supported by the hardware is less than the 
> clamped value set  in PrismSettings)
> - Tries to align the PixelFomat for the target `WritableImage` with that of 
> the `RTTexture` when possible, since converting IntARGB to ByteBGRA (or the 
> other way round) is a major cost factor when copying large amounts of pixels.
> - Avoids as much as possible having to resize the tile in between subsequent 
> calls to `RTTexture::readPixels`, as it is another major cost factor, under 
> the d3d rendering pipeline at least. (Native method 
> `D3DResourceFactory_nReadPixels` attempts to reuse the same surface in 
> between calls but is forced to create a new one if dimensions are not exactly 
> the same, which is quite costly).
> - [x] Make sure chosen PixelFormat is optimum when using es2 pipeline.
> - [ ] Consider using subtexture pixel read with es2 (SW and d3d don't support 
> it) as a better alternative to relying on same size tiles to avoid surface 
> thrashing.

I finally got a chance to do some more extensive testing when running this 
patch with the es2 pipeline on Linux.
It works as expected, and from what I saw, using a IntARGB pixelBuffer when no 
WritableImage is provided avoids swapping around pixel components, like under 
I've also verified than the patch's behaviour is correct when a writable image 
is provided as a parameter to Node.snapshot, whether the underlying image is 
actually a PlatformImage or a wrapper for a PixelBuffer, which corrects another 
limitation of the previous implementation.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/112

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