That shouldn't be necessary. It's a better workaround than setting the PATH env variable to be sure, but there is some underlying problem that isn't yet understood.

-- Kevin

On 4/20/2020 8:13 AM, David Grieve wrote:
Set  -Djava.library.path= C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-14\bin

For the jlink question, look at jmod. You'll use jmod to bundle up the dll's 
and whatever else you need, then jlink to create the custom runtime.

-----Original Message-----
From: openjfx-dev <> On Behalf Of 
Christopher Miles
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 2:56 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Windows Installation Instructions, All DLL Files Missing

I manage a project[0]  that leverages JavaFX. It's been a while since I've 
worked on this project, almost two years. At that time JavaFX was bundled with 
the Java runtime from Oracle. The few customers I had would simply run the 
application from the bundled launcher and as long as they had Java installed, 
it would work.

It's time for me to add some features to the project, I am now using OpenJDK 
14.0.1 and I installed the OpenJavaFX package and followed the instructions[1] 
from the following URL:

I am on Windows and followed the instructions for that platform.
Unfortunately, things didn't really work. The error was as follows:

Graphics Device initialization failed for : d3d, sw Error initializing
QuantumRenderer: no suitable pipeline found java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error initializing QuantumRend erer: no suitable 
pipeline found at
wn Source)

I fussed with this and that but nothing made a difference. Eventually I tried adding the 
"bin" directory from the JavaFX distribution to my path. This is the entry I 
added to my global PATH variable:

C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-14\bin

Is this the right way to do this and, if so, why isn't this included in the 
directions? Is this a Windows specific issue?

Also, what impact does this have on distribution of applications?

Looking at the "Runtime Images" instructions, it looks like the same issues will be present. Those 
instructions use `jlink` to point to the JavaFX libraries and the JAVAFX modules (distributed in another 
package) but also leave off references to the DLL files in the "bin" directory. I am worried that I 
will need to have people manually install the OpenJavaFX distribution and add the "bin" directory 
to their path in order to run my application. Please say it's not so!

Any help or pointers to additional documentation would be very much 
appreciated! I have made it over the bumps and can now continue development of 
my application, my next concern is distributing it to customers.



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